Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Upcoming Live-Blogging Event!

In order to rinse the filth of Metroid: Other M (maybe that's a little harsh) from my soul, I feel compelled to play through Super Metroid. I have done this in one sitting a few times in the past, and it's always a lot of fun. I'm going to be pairing it with Bell's Hop Slam, and maybe a second beer as well. To make this pairing even more exciting, it will be live-blogged. My friend Tiana has borne witness to my victories over Super Metroid more times than anyone else, and she'll be doing most of the actual writing. I was going to try to write and play at the same time, but that would be ridiculous. To add yet another twist (I'm totally the M. Night Shyamalan of video game and booze blogs), my good buddy Jason has volunteered to live-troll Tiana's posts. It's going to be a lot of fun, and it should be happening on Thursday night. Let's say around 9pm CST.


  1. wtf. where is my liveblogging.

  2. Are you on the East Coast or something? I specifically said CST, you malcontent you.

  3. Hey!
    alt-ought the megaman is somewhat creepy @_@
